Hey everyone,

I’m about to jump in the shower because Johnny and I are going tandem sarging. Lol :-p … It really is amazing how my sense of humor came back …

Before I go, here is another audio from Gayla and me.

As with the other audios, you can tap along to borrow benefits. Learn to tap by checking out my free video and other resources on What Is Holistic Belief Reprogramming?.

Topics covered in this audio include:

1. Releasing sexual shame and cultural baggage (such as Adam and Eve stories) – do I really need to keep suffering over and over again for eating the apple? Fuck no.

2. Releasing inner conflicts about polyamory … and sharing our feelings about harmonious polyamorous relationships.

3. Releasing inner conflicts about patriarchy, feminism, and what exactly the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies look like anyway. This is a continuation of our tapping about gender role confusion in an earlier audio.

Hope you enjoy it :)

EFT Audio re Sexual Shame/Guilt, Polyamory, Masculine/Feminine Energies

If you’d like to set up a personal tapping session with me, please see Erika Awakening Coaching Page.


Oh crap, we forgot to tap on that Mary was supposedly a virgin. Give me a break … I’m putting that one down for the next EFT session.