Healing the Separation Between the Masculine and Feminine – Miracle Results from the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge and the 15-Week Miracle Coaching Program

without your story

What magic can happen when we heal our past traumas?

A great big thank you to those of you who commented on our post yesterday, Sex for Purposes of Healing. Today we are turning one of those comments into a new article, to celebrate just how magical it can be when you take responsibility for healing the trauma in your life.

Just because we haven’t been blogging for a while doesn’t mean we haven’t been creating miracles! In fact, I want to begin sharing some blog articles about my star student, client, and customer CJ. She was a “referral” from her aunt who passed away. I kid you not. Her aunt who had passed over guided CJ to my websites and originally to my 30-Day Powerful Communication Challenge. And I feel the deepest sense of honor in having a spiritual healer who has passed over send me my ideal client and customer.

Anyway, when CJ first found me, she and her husband were financially “separated.” As you can see from her testimonial below, they were also separated in other ways. CJ and I have been working together in private sessions for over a year now. She also committed to many of my 30-Day Challenges, including the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge.

We have cleared out a lot of trauma over the past year. We have cleared childhood traumas and we have cleared traumas like rape and sexual assault. We have cleared a whole lot more than that. And as we did so, CJ began to experience miracles … financial miracles, relationship miracles, brand new career and life purpose miracles, and so much more.

In fact, she went from separate bedrooms and separate finances, to relationship and money miracles left and right!

This is the sexual healing and relationship healing miracle, in CJ’s own words:

What you stated here in the blog in regards to being triggered and him not running away and your freaking out come to a bare minimum level is exactly why I am so thankful and grateful for my husband! He and I have been together for almost 24 years and we have gone through some roads that would cause most a divorce (and almost did at one point which resulted us getting a financial separation for almost 15years). Parenting and financial beliefs didn’t align for us at all during this period of time.

In efforts to make this long story shorter, he and I have stayed committed to each and our marriage through it all! (Our happiness and the healing in ourselves and our marriage is a true testament to the meaning of love and commitment!)

At the beginning of me doing the 30 day sexual challenge [ed. clarification – she is talking about the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge at https://tapsmarter.com/30-days-to-sexual-power/ ], we were sleeping in separate bedrooms. Yes separate bedrooms for almost a week. You see he isn’t at all involved with energy work or HBR; although I think intuitively he is and he just doesn’t know it yet. Anyway, most would think oh my gosh they are sleeping in separate rooms they must have some big problems and most would run away; however I knew this was a huge trigger for me and like you say we are never healed alone.

Well keeping all of this in perspective I intuitively knew (after a lot of tears and getting the Ego under control if you will which was a challenge in itself) I had to do some searching and tune in to myself as well as continue doing the 30 day sexual challenge where I finally was able to have some big shifts. As a result, we were sleeping in the same bed and communicating with each in a way we haven’t done so in years, including our financial separation is now a void as if this year and great healing has taken place.

I know this whole process could NOT have happened if I didn’t meet you, do your challenges, have our sessions and have the basic fundamental understanding of how energy work works from my aunt and more importantly the commitment and the will to keep the commitment with my husband and our marriage as well as the commitment to HBR and myself.

I truly hope this guy brings you true happiness Erika! (As I write this I’m filled with goosebumps all over my body and tears of hope for you and your journey with this guy). Never judge a book by its cover. Sometimes the ones you think are going to be good turn out to be the best.
Keep doing what your doing!

Love you! Cheers!

– C.J.

You hear that? From separate finances and separate bedrooms to marital harmony and amazing communication and connection.

You too could go from separate bedrooms (conflict between the masculine and feminine) to miracles and harmony

CJ’s result is not unusual. I have helped a lot of people through Holistic Belief Reprogramming clear childhood and sexual trauma, attract their soul mate, repair marriages, transition into exciting new life purposes, and so much more.

So if you’ve been on the fence, let CJ’s miracle (this is one of many miracles she has experienced working with me and my products) be the inspiration you need to get started today with the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge here.

And if you want to make an even deeper commitment, email me to get started with the phenomenal 15-Week Miracle Coaching Program today.


erika awakening
