As each thought passes through your mind,

ask yourself:

if this thought were to come true, would I want that result?

This makes it very easy to choose among your thoughts.

“That guy is a jerk.”

If that thought becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (which it will), is that the reality I want?


So I choose a different thought.

“That guy is not a jerk. Look, he was trying to protect his son. I can relate to that.”

(That example happened to me on the ski lift today. Because I immediately chose a thought that felt better, the guy who seemed like a “jerk” ended up thanking me.)

Everything from here on out is sorting out between what you do want and what you don’t want.

And it all starts and ends with your beliefs.

Before now, there was no rapid way to change your beliefs.

But now there is: Erika Awakening Website