Hey everyone,
As I explained in the recent f-r-ee videos about using Holistic Belief Reprogramming to attract financial abundance (Heal Your Relationship with Money), I practice what I preach in this area. I invest in myself and support other healers on a regular basis, as part of “being in the flow” with money.
Today I have my third day in a row of back-to-back acupuncture and massage sessions. (Btw, it is very common for money to come in to me while I’m on the massage table, this makes perfect sense because I’m in “receptive” mode during a massage :) )
My menstrual cycle has become regular and come into alignment with the cycles of the moon (yes, this was another side benefit of HBR, because my cycles used to be wildly irregular).
As Eckhart Tolle explained on his Power of Now audios, the collective Feminine Pain-Body comes to the surface during a woman’s cycle. I’ve been working with a female client recently on releasing sexual trauma from her body (it showed up both in her abdomen and her throat). We are pretty convinced she brought some of it into this lifetime from past lives or her DNA.
Like my client, I have also devoted myself to clearing as much of the collective Feminine Pain-Body as possible out of my cellular tissues. I apply HBR, and the past few days I’ve been supplementing that with acupuncture and massage during my cycle. The past two days, the acupuncturist applied large doses of moxa to my abdomen. Then the massage therapist kneaded and prodded and released all the muscles in there. My body had been clenching around the second chakra (this shows up as women experiencing cramping during their cycle), and we loosened that right up …
Because … my sexuality is opening. Celibacy is about to become a thing of the past for me. And it feels wonderful to receive support in this process.
Okay, time to go to my appointments … :)
p.s. If you missed the “how to discover your true life purpose” video series, be sure to EFT Tapping to Find Your Purpose.
To heal and awaken your second chakra, get the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge here.