Tapping for Your “Inner Asshole” with Erika Awakening

Are you ready to embrace and heal your “inner asshole”? The day I recorded this EFT tapping video, I realized I was acting like an asshole. Then I also realized I had a deep inner conflict about this because being “nice” was not getting the problem resolved. So this is a classic “resolve an inner conflict” tapping sequence for healing our Shadow Self. It just happens to be about being an asshole lol ;-P

For those of you who are new to my system of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, don’t worry about the fact that the specifics may vary from yours. Just tap along and tune in to whatever what I’m saying reminds you of from your own life. You’ll be “borrowing benefits” by allowing your subconscious mind to draw the parallels.

Oh, the yawns are good too. They are physiological releases that mean your subconscious mind is shifting … if you yawn, take it as a good sign that the video is working :)


Erika Awakening, High Priestess of Miracles at TAPsmarter