Today I had an interesting email conversation with a woman who is in a relationship with a man. I have been doing a major cleanse of my apartment and wanted to return to him something he left here quite a long time ago.

Well, I didn’t have his email address so I reached out to her instead. And, honestly, I could feel her fear before she even responded. So I knew they must be in an exclusive relationship and she must be feeling insecure about it.

I did receive a response a couple of days later, and it turned out to be correct (exclusive relationship and a lot of fear, which she acknowledged after questioning me in detail about my relationship with him).

After a bit of back and forth, this is what I said to her:

No worries, it just reminded me of this quotation from A Course in Miracles, cuz I can feel your fear (from here!) –

“Who could be set free while he imprisons anyone? A jailer is not free, for he is bound together with his prisoner. He must be sure that he does not escape, and so he spends his time in keeping watch on him. The bars that limit him become the world in which his jailer lives, along with him. And it is on his freedom that the way to liberty depends for both of them. Therefore, hold no one prisoner. Release instead of bind, for thus are you made free.”

And truth is that if you are meant to be together, you will be, no matter who he might sleep with or who you might sleep with … and in openness you could find a safety that exclusiveness will never give you … just my two cents … ttyl :)