Day 8 of 111 Days of Love – The Underappreciated Power and Beauty of Silence

On Day 8 of 111 Days of Love, we honor the power and beauty of silence. So often, we think that filling up the space in our lives with activities, people, and things is going to make us “happier.” Yet so often, these pursuits leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied.

power and beauty of silence

One great way to sink into the power and beauty of silence is through starting a meditation practice.

As well, the power of Holistic Belief Reprogramming can help us clear clutter out of our lives. Clutter includes useless activities and things that are no longer serving us. This clearing of clutter allows more silence and space in our lives.

I also love this beautiful passage about silence from A Course in Miracles:

“In quiet I receive God’s Word today.

“Let this day be a day of stillness and of quiet listening. Your Father wills you hear His Word today. He calls to you from deep within your mind where He abides. Hear Him today. No peace is possible until His Word is heard around the world; until your mind, in quiet listening, accepts the message that the world must hear to usher in the quiet time of peace.”

A Course in Miracles
, Workbook Lesson 124


erika awakening