Dominical-Pensive2Today’s just going to be a radically honest share because I’m still working through this one …

I’m working through an inner conflict about enrollment. It was reflected in a call this morning where I was being coached (yes I still pay for coaches and healers, and I don’t think I would want to learn from anyone who doesn’t do the same). This coach says I should not talk about my values because it pushes others away.

On the one hand, I can see her point in the short term. In fact, just today, I removed someone from my Facebook because he was taking my expression of my values as a personal affront and it was draining to talk to him. And I can look back at other examples in my life where talking about values led another person or me to disconnect.

On the other hand … in the long term, if we don’t all get our values aligned, we are going to keep living in the world we’ve been living in … a world of compromise, sacrifice, aging, disease, and death. Not my cup of tea.

I have seen many times that I can in fact enroll people in my value system and it does in fact make their lives about 100 times better. This is usually when they invest money with me as a coaching client or customer and also under the right circumstances in other situations. I would like to get better at helping people see that I really am teaching a holistic value system that actually works … and yet the ego is absolutely threatened by what I teach.

In many ways, it would be easier to be a teacher of “spiritual bullhonkey.” That’s where you just say “feel good” stuff all the time, and nobody actually has to look at their dark side. Unfortunately, that kind of teaching while it is wildly popular and definitely can get you a best-selling book and celebrity status – ain’t going to save the planet. It’s not. It’s all on the surface and it does not face what needs to be faced.

I have also seen many a situation lead to disconnection or just lukewarm “getting by” later down the road when values were not established and agreed upon up front.

I’m not willing to live in a world of “nice polite dead people” who never talk about any of the real issues in the world for fear of offending someone. From my experience, most people are walking around so unconscious they have never really thought about their values. Nor have they sat down and thought through what the rest of the planet would look like if their values were applied to every living creature, including animals and plants. And unfortunately, that is why the planet is in the disastrous state that it’s currently in.

So I am sitting with this question right now. How to express values and get people enrolled in a system that works without the ego flipping out and disconnecting …

That’s the question.


Erika Awakening, High Priestess of Miracles at TAPsmarter