Hey, I know from your emails that many of you are eagerly awaiting the new membership website … me too! It’s almost done and I’m so excited to unveil it to all of you … AND to have my time freed up again.

During the past couple of months, I invested so much of my time in creating the website (really thinking it through holistically to provide a good platform for an intimate HBR membership community) that I scaled back my coaching schedule quite a bit. And … I miss it! Private coaching keeps me deeply engaged with this transformational practice and is so satisfying when my clients get miracles :)

Most recently, a client reported making up with his mom (they had not spoken to each other for years!). That made my day!

Anyway, now that my time is freeing up again, I’ll be taking on a few more students. It’s important to me not to have too many students because I want to give each and every one of you the personal attention you deserve.

So … in that spirit, please check out the newly updated 15-Week Miracle coaching program page here, and please email me if you are interested in applying for the program. I love teaching this program so much that if you are really motivated and get in touch with me right away, you might even be able to talk me into a bit of a discount on the program.

Meanwhile, as soon as that new site is launched, I will update you here on the blog.
